One day in Malacca
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
telah diiringi oleh beribu-ribu malaikat kerana kehebatan dan
kemuliaannya. Syaitan dan iblis juga menjadi gempar kerana adanya satu
perintang dalam perjuangan mereka. Rasullah s. a. w. dengan segera
memerintahkan Zaid bt sabit menulis serta menyebarkannya.
Sesiapa yang membaca ayat Kursi dengan khusyuk setiap kali
selepas sembahyang fardhu, setiap pagi dan petang, setiap kali keluar
masuk rumah atau hendak musafir, InsyaAllah akan terpeliharalah dirinya
dari godaan syaitan, kejahatan manusia, binatang buas yang akan
memudaratkan dirinya bahkan keluarga, anak-anak, harta bendanya juga
akan terpelihara dengan izin Allah s. w. t.
Mengikut keterangan dari kitab"Asraarul Mufidah" sesiapa mengamalkan membacanya setiap hari sebanyak 18 kali maka akan dibukakan dadanya dengan berbagai hikmah, dimurahkan rezekinya, dinaikkan darjatnya dan diberikannya pengaruh sehingga semua orang akan menghormatinya serta terpelihara ia dari segala bencana dengan izin Allah. Syeikh Abu Abbas ada menerangkan, siapa yang membacanya sebanyak 50 kali lalu ditiupkannya pada air hujan kemudian diminumnya, InsyaAllah Allah akan mencerdaskan akal fikirannya serta Fadhilat Ayat Al-Kursi mengikut Hadis-Hadis Rasullullah
s. a. w. bersabda bermaksud:
"Sesiapa pulang ke rumahnya serta membaca ayat Kursi, Allah
hilangkan segala kefakiran di depan matanya."
Sabda baginda lagi;
"Umatku yang membaca ayat Kursi 12 kali pada pagi Jumaat,
kemudian berwuduk dan sembahyang sunat dua rakaat, Allah memeliharanya
daripada kejahatan syaitan dan kejahatan pembesar."
Orang yang selalu membaca ayat Kursi dicintai dan dipelihara
Allah sebagaimana DIA memelihara Nabi Muhammad. Mereka yang beramal
dengan bacaan ayat Kursi akan mendapat pertolongan serta perlindungan
Allah daripada gangguan serta hasutan syaitan. Pengamal ayat Kursi juga,
dengan izin Allah, akan terhindar daripada pencerobohan pencuri. Ayat
Kursi menjadi benteng yang kuat menyekat pencuri daripada memasuki
rumah. Mengamalkan bacaan ayat Kursi juga akan memberikan keselamatan
ketika dalam perjalanannya. Ayat Kursi yang dibaca dengan penuh khusyuk,
Insya-Allah, boleh menyebabkan syaitan dan jin terbakar. Jika anda
berpindah ke rumah baru maka pada malam pertama anda menduduki rumah itu eloklah anda membaca ayat Kursi 100 kali, insya-Allah mudah-mudahan anda sekeluarga terhindar daripada gangguan lahir dan batin. Barang siapa
membaca ayat Al-Kursi apabila berbaring di tempat tidurnya, Allah
mewakilkan 2 orang Malaikat memeliharanya hingga subuh.
Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir setiap sembahyang
Fardhu, ia akan berada dalam lindungan Allah hingga sembahyang yang
lain. Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir tiap sembahyang, tidak
menegah akan dia daripada masuk syurga kecuali maut, dan barang siapa
membacanya ketika hendak tidur, Allah memelihara akan dia ke atas
rumahnya, rumah jirannya & ahli rumah2 di sekitarnya. Barang siapa
membaca ayat Al-Kursi diakhir tiap-tiap sembahyang Fardhu, Allah
menganugerahkan dia hati-hati orang yang bersyukur perbuatan2 orang yang
benar, pahala nabi2 juga Allah melimpahkan padanya rahmat. Barang siapa
membaca ayat Al-Kursi sebelum keluar rumahnya, maka Allah mengutuskan
70,000 Malaikat kepadanya, mereka semua memohon keampunan dan mendoakan baginya. Barang siapa membaca ayat Al-Kursi di akhir sembahyang Allah azza wajalla akan mengendalikan pengambilan rohnya dan ia adalah seperti orang yang berperang bersama nabi Allah sehingga mati syahid. Barang siapa yang membaca ayat al-Kursi ketika dalam kesempitan nescaya Allah berkenan memberi pertolongan kepadanya Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r. a. , Rasullullah s. a. w. bersabda,
· Nama: Muhammad bin 'Abdullah bin 'Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim
· Tarikh lahir: Subuh Isnin, 12 Rabiulawal / 20 April 571M (dikenali sebagai
tahun gajah; sempena peristiwa tentera bergajah Abrahah yang
menyerang kota Ka'abah)
· Tempat lahir: Di rumah Abu Talib, Makkah Al-Mukarramah
· Nama bapa: 'Abdullah bin 'Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim
· Nama ibu: Aminah binti Wahab bin 'Abdul Manaf
· Pengasuh pertama: Barakah Al-Habsyiyyah
(digelar Ummu Aiman. Hamba perempuan bapa Rasulullah SAW)
· Ibu susu pertama: Thuwaibah (hamba perempuan Abu Lahab)
· Ibu susu kedua: Halimah binti Abu Zuaib As-Sa'diah (lebih dikenali
Halimah As-Sa'diah. Suaminya bernama Abu Kabsyah)
· Peristiwa pembelahan dada
Rasulullah SAW yang dilakukan oleh dua
malaikat untuk mengeluarkan bahagian
syaitan yang wujud di dalamnya.
· Ibunya Aminah
binti Wahab ditimpa sakit dan meninggal dunia di Al-Abwa'
(sebuah kampung yang terletak di antara Mekah dan Madinah)
· Baginda dipelihara oleh Ummu
Aiman (hamba perempuan bapa Rasulullah SAW)
dan dibiayai oleh datuknya 'Abdul Muttalib.
· Datuknya, 'Abdul Muttalib pula meninggal dunia.
· Baginda dipelihara pula oleh bapa saudaranya, Abu Talib.
USIA 9 TAHUN (Setengah riwayat mengatakan pada usia 12 tahun).
· Bersama bapa saudaranya, Abu Talib bermusafir ke Syam atas urusan
· Di kota Busra, negeri Syam, seorang pendita Nasrani bernama Bahira
(Buhaira) telah bertemu ketua-ketua rombongan untuk menceritakan tentang
pengutusan seorang nabi di kalangan bangsa Arab yang akan lahir pada masa itu.
· Terlibat dalam peperangan Fijar. Ibnu Hisyam di dalam kitab 'Sirah' ,
jilid 1, halaman 184-187 menyatakan pada
ketika itu usia Muhammad SAW ialah14 atau 15 tahun. Baginda menyertai
peperangan itu beberapa hari dan berperanan mengumpulkan anak-anak
panah sahaja.
· Menyaksikan ' perjanjian Al-Fudhul'; perjanjian damai untuk memberi
pertolongan kepada orang yang dizalimi di Mekah..
· Bermusafir kali kedua ke Syam atas urusan perniagaan barangan
Khadijah binti Khuwailid Al-Asadiyah.
· Perjalanan ke Syam ditemani oleh Maisarah; lelaki suruhan Khadijah..
· Baginda SAW bersama-sama Abu Talib
dan beberapa orang bapa saudaranya
yang lain pergi berjumpa Amru bin Asad (bapa saudara Khadijah) untuk
meminang Khadijah yang berusia 40 tahun ketika itu.
· Mas kahwin baginda kepada Khadijah adalah sebanyak 500 dirham.
· Banjir besar melanda Mekah dan meruntuhkan dinding Ka'abah.
· Pembinaan semula Ka'abah dilakukan oleh pembesar-pembesar dan
penduduk Mekah.
· Rasulullah SAW diberi kemuliaan untuk meletakkan 'Hajarul-Aswad' ke
tempat asal dan sekaligus meredakan pertelingkahan
berhubung perletakan batu tersebut.
· Menerima wahyu di gua Hira' sebagai perlantikan menjadi Nabi dan
Rasul akhir zaman.
· Berhijrah ke Madinah Al-Munawwarah dengan ditemani oleh Saidina Abu
Bakar Al-Siddiq.
· Sampai ke Madinah pada tanggal 12 Rabiulawal/ 24 September 622M.
· Kewafatan Rasulullah
SAW di Madinah Al-Munawwarah pada hari Isnin, 12Rabiulawal tahun 11H/
8 Jun 632M.
§ Khadijah Binti Khuwailid
§ Saudah Binti Zam'ah
§ 'Aisyah Binti Abu Bakar (anak Saidina Abu Bakar)
§ Hafsah binti 'Umar (anak Saidina 'Umar bin Al-Khattab)
§ Ummi Habibah Binti Abu Sufyan
§ Hindun Binti Umaiyah (digelar Ummi Salamah)
§ Zainab Binti Jahsy
§ Maimunah Binti Harith
§ Safiyah Binti Huyai bin Akhtab
§ Zainab Binti Khuzaimah (digelar 'Ummu Al-Masakin'; Ibu Orang Miskin)
1. Qasim
2. Abdullah
3. Ibrahim
4. Zainab
5. Ruqaiyah
6. Ummi Kalthum
7. Fatimah Al-Zahra'
Halah bin Hind bin Habbasy bin
Zurarah al-Tamimi (anak kepada Saidatina Khadijah bersama Hind bin Habbasy.
Ketika berkahwin dengan Rasulullah, Khadijah adalah seorang janda).
1.. Thuwaibah
1. Hamzah
2. Abu Salamah Abdullah bin Abdul Asad
1. Halimah Al-Saidiyyah
1. Abu Sufyan bin Harith bin Abdul Mutallib
2. Abdullah bin Harith bin Abdul 'Uzza
3.. Syaima' binti Harith bin Abdul 'Uzza
4. 'Aisyah binti Harith bin abdul 'Uzza
1. Al-Harith
2. Muqawwam
3. Zubair
4. Hamzah ***
5. Al-'Abbas ***
6. Abu Talib
7. Abu Lahab (nama asalnya 'Abdul 'Uzza)
8.. Abdul Ka'bah
9. Hijl
10. Dhirar
11. Umaimah
12. Al-Bidha (Ummu Hakim)
13.. 'Atiqah ##
14. Arwa ##
15. Umaimah
16. Barrah
17. Safiyah (ibu kepada Zubair Al-'Awwam) *** *** Sempat masuk Islam.
## Ulama' berselisih pendapat tentang Islamnya.
Sabda Rasulullah SAW:
"Sesiapa yang menghidupkan sunnahku,
maka sesungguhnya dia telah mencintai
aku. Dan sesiapa yang mencintai aku
nescaya dia bersama-samaku di dalam
syurga." (Riwayat Al-Sajary daripada Anas)
Tongue Twister
1. If you understand, say "understand" . If you don ' t understand, say " don ' t understand". But if you understand and say "don ' t understand". How do I understand that you understand? Understand!
2.I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won ' t wish the wish you wish to wish.
3. Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.
4 ..A sailor went to sea to see, what he could see. And all he could see was sea, sea, sea.
5 .. Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People, Purple Paper People
6 ..If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?
7 ..I thought a thought.But the thought I thought wasn ' t the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn ' t have thought so much.
8 ..Once a fellow met a fellow In a field of beans. Said a fellow to a fellow, "If a fellow asks a fellow, Can a fellow tell a fellow What a fellow means?"
9.Mr Inside went over to see Mr Outside. Mr Inside stood outside and called to MrOutside inside.
Mr Outside answered Mr Inside from inside and Told Mr Inside to come inside. Mr Inside said "NO", and told Mr Outside to come outside.
Mr Outside and Mr Inside argued from inside and outside about going outside or coming inside. Finally, Mr Outside coaxed Mr Inside to come inside, then both Mr Outside and Mr Inside went outside to the riverside.
11.. The owner of the inside inn was inside his inside inn with his inside outside his inside inn. **********
12..If one doctor doctors another doctor does the doctor who doctors the doctor doctor the doctor the way the doctor he is doctoring doctors? Or does the doctor doctor the way the doctor who doctors doctors?
"When a doctor falls ill another doctor doctor ' s the doctor. Does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor the doctor in his own way or does the doctor doctoring the doctor doctors the doctor in the doctor ' s way"
13..We surely shall see the sun shine shortly. Whether the weather be fine, Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot, We ' ll weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. Watch? Whether the weather is hot.
Whether the weather is cold. Whether the weather is either or not. It is whether we like it or not.
14..Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely .
15 .A flea and a fly in a flue Said the fly "Oh what should we do" Said the flea" Let us fly Said the fly"Let us flee" So they flew through a flaw in the flue
16..If you tell Tom to tell a tongue-twister his tongue will be twisted as tongue-twister twists tongues.
Breathing Therapy
inhale and exhale..
Actually they are different, you would be able to feel
the difference.
The right side represents the sun, left side
represents the moon.
During a headache, try to close your right nose
and use your left nose to breathe.
In about 5 mins, your headache will be gone. If you
feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your
right nose. After a while, you will feel your mind is re-freshed .
Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up
easily, left side belongs to 'cold'.
Most females breathe with their left noses, so they
get 'cooled off'faster.
Most of the guys breathe with their right noses, they
get worked up.
Do you notice the moment we wake up, which side
breathes faster? Left or right?
If left is faster, you will feel tired.So,close your
left nose and use your right nose for breathing,
you will get refreshed quickly.
This can be taught to kids, but it is more effective
when practised by
My friend used to have bad headaches and was always
visiting the doctor..
There was this period when she suffered headache
literally every night, and unable to study. She took
painkillers, did not work.
She decided to try out the breathing therapy here:
closed her right nose and breathed through her left nose.
In less than a week, her headaches were gone! She
continues the exercise for one month.
This alternative natural therapy without medication is
something that she has experienced.
So, why not give it a try ?
Yazid Arraqqasyi dari Anas bin Malik ra. berkata: Jibrail datang kepada Nabi saw pada waktu yg ia tidak biasa datang dalam keadaan berubah mukanya,maka ditanya oleh nabi s. a. w.: "Mengapa aku melihat kau berubah muka?"
Jawabnya: "Ya Muhammad, aku datang kepadamu di saat Allah menyuruh supaya dikobarkan penyalaan api neraka, maka tidak layak bagi orang yg mengetahui bahawa neraka Jahannam itu benar, dan siksa kubur itu benar, dan siksa Allah itu terbesar untuk bersuka-suka sebelum ia merasa aman daripadanya. "
Lalu nabi s. a. w. bersabda: "Ya Jibrail, jelaskan padaku sifat Jahannam."
Jawabnya: "Ya. Ketika Allah menjadikan Jahannam, maka dinyalakan selama seribu tahun, sehingga merah, kemudian dilanjutkan seribu tahun sehingga putih, kemudian seribu tahun sehingga hitam, maka ia hitam gelap, tidak pernah padam nyala dan baranya. Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan terbuka sebesar lubang jarum nescaya akan dapat membakar penduduk dunia semuanya kerana panasnya. Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan satu baju ahli neraka itu digantung
di antara langit dan bumi nescaya akan mati penduduk bumi kerana panas dan basinya. Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan satu pergelangan dari rantai yg disebut dalam Al-Qur'an itu diletakkan di atas
bukit, nescaya akan cair sampai ke bawah bumi yg ke tujuh. Demi Allah yg mengutus engkau dengan hak, andaikan seorang di hujung barat tersiksa,
nescaya akan terbakar orang-orang yang di hujung timur kerana sangat panasnya, Jahannam itu sangat dalam dan perhiasannya besi, dan minumannya air panas campur nanah, dan pakaiannya potongan-potongan api. Api neraka
itu ada tujuh pintu, tiap-tiap pintu ada bahagiannya yang tertentu dari orang laki-laki dan perempuan."
Nabi s. a. w. bertanya: "Apakah pintu-pintunya bagaikan pintu- pintu rumah kami?" Jawabnya: "Tidak, tetapi selalu terbuka, setengahnya di bawah dari lainnya, dari pintu ke pintu jarak perjalanan 70,000 tahun, tiap pintu lebih panas dari yang lain 70 kali ganda." (nota kefahaman: iaitu yg lebih bawah lebih panas)
Tanya Rasulullah s. a. w.: "Siapakah penduduk masing-masing pintu?" Jawab Jibrail: "Pintu yg terbawah untuk orang-orang munafik, dan orang-orang yg kafir setelah diturunkan hidangan mukjizat nabi Isa a. s. serta keluarga Fir'aun sedang namanya Al-Hawiyah.
Pintu kedua tempat orang-orang musyrikin bernama Jahim, pintu ketiga tempat orang shobi'in bernama Saqar.
Pintu ke empat tempat Iblis dan pengikutnya dari kaum majusi bernama Ladha, pintu kelima orang yahudi bernama Huthomah.Pintu ke enam tempat orang nasara bernama Sa'eir." Kemudian Jibrail diam segan pada Rasulullah s. a. w. sehingga ditanya: "Mengapa tidak kau terangkan penduduk pintu ke tujuh?" Jawabnya: "Di dalamnya orang-orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu yg sampai mati belum sempat bertaubat."Maka nabi s.a.w. jatuh pengsan ketika mendengar keterangan itu, sehinggaJibrail meletakkan kepala nabi s. a. w. di pangkuannya sehingga sedar kembali dan sesudah sedar nabi saw bersabda: "Ya Jibrail, sungguh besar kerisauanku dan sangat sedihku,
apakah ada seorang dari ummat ku yang akan masuk ke dalam neraka?"
Jawabnya: "Ya, iaitu orang yg berdosa besar dari ummatmu."
Kemudian nabi s. a. w. menangis, Jibrail juga menangis, kemudian
nabi s. a. w. masuk ke dalam rumahnya dan tidak keluar kecuali untuk
sembahyang kemudian kembali dan tidak berbicara dengan orang dan bila
sembahyang selalu menangis dan minta kepada Allah.(dipetik dari kitab "Peringatan Bagi Yg Lalai")
Dari Hadith Qudsi: Bagaimana kamu masih boleh melakukan maksiat sedangkan kamu tak dapat bertahan dengan panasnya terik matahari Ku.
Tahukah kamu bahawa neraka jahanamKu itu:
1. Neraka Jahanam itu mempunyai 7 tingkat
2. Setiap tingkat mempunyai 70,000 daerah
3. Setiap daerah mempunyai 70,000 kampung
4. Setiap kampung mempunyai 70,000 rumah
5. Setiap rumah mempunyai 70,000 bilik
6. Setiap bilik mempunyai 70,000 kotak
7. Setiap kotak mempunyai 70,000 batang pokok zarqum
8. Di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai 70,000 ekor ular
9. Di dalam mulut setiap ular yang panjang 70 hasta mengandungi lautan racun yang hitam pekat.
10. Juga di bawah setiap pokok zarqum mempunyai 70,000 rantai
11. Setiap rantai diseret oleh 70,000 malaikat
Mudah-mudahan dapat menimbulkan keinsafan kepada kita semua.
Al-Quran Surah Al- Baqarah Ayat 159
Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyembunyikan apa yang telah Kami
turunkan dari keterangan-keterang an dan petunjuk hidayat, sesudah
Kami menerangkannya kepada manusia di dalam Kitab Suci, mereka itu
dilaknat oleh Allah
dan dilaknat oleh sekalian makhluk.
Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr R. A,
Rasulullah S. A. W bersabda:"
Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat..
"Sesungguhnya Ilmu itu akan membakar kamu jika tidak disebarkan." .
Pesan Roh Kepada Manusia
Apabila dimandikan, roh sekali lagi merayu :'Demi Allah, wahai orang yang memandikan jangan engkau menggosok aku dengan kuat sebab tubuhku luka-luka dengan keluarnya roh' . Setelah dimandi dan dikafankan, telapak kaki mayat diikat dan ia pun memanggil-manggil dan berpesan lagi supaya jangan diikat terlalu kuat serta mengafani kepalanya kerana ingin melihat wajahnya sendiri, anak-anak, isteri atau suami buat kali terakhir kerana tidak dapat melihat lagi sampai Hari Kiamat.
Sebaik keluar dari rumah lalu ia berpesan : 'Demi Allah, wahai jemaahku, aku telah meniggalkan isteriku menjadi Balu. Maka janganlah kamu menyakitinya. Anak-anakku telah menjadi yatim dan janganlah kalian Menyakiti mereka. Sesungguhnya pada hari itu aku telah keluar dari rumahku dan aku tidak akan dapat kembali kepada mereka buat selama-lamanya' . Sesudah mayat diletakkan pada pengusung, sekali lagi diserunya kepada jemaah supaya jangan mempercepatkan mayatnya ke kubur selagi belum mendengar suara anak-anak dan sanak saudara buat kali terakhir.
Sesudah dibawa dan melangkah sebanyak tiga langkah dari rumah, roh pula berpesan: ' Wahai Kekasihku, wahai saudaraku dan wahai anak-anakku, jangan kamu diperdaya dunia sebagaimana ia memperdayakan aku dan janganlah
Petua oleh Datuk Dr Fadzilah Kamsah
1. Doa yang berterusan.
2. Patuh ajaran agama.
3. Murah dengan pujian.
4. Murah dengan khidmat.
5. Murah dengan belaian kasih sayang.
6.. Murah dengan sentuhan.
7. Mencari kebaikan pasangan.
8. Cari masa berkomunikasi, berbual atau bergurau senda.
9. Cari kebaikan dan pembaikan diri daripada setiap pertengkaran.
10. Menghormati had, sempadan atau hal peribadi pasangan.
11. Menilai diri daripada perspektif pasangan.
12. Berfikiran terbuka - boleh tegur menegur.
13. Berani mengambil risiko emosi - tegur/perubahan/berpisah sementara.
14. Menilai dan memberi keutamaan dalam kehidupan.
15. Tolak-ansur.
16. Menghormati dan mengambil kira ‘gerak batin’ (intuition) perempuan.
17. Tidak mengejar kebendaan semata-mata.
18. Sedar bahawa perselisihan kadangkala tidak boleh dielakkan.
19. Mengubah diri untuk merangsang perubahan pada pasangan.
20. Sanggup berkorban buat pasangan.
21. Menghormati pasangan.
22. Berasa amat beruntung (dan nyatakan) mendapat pasangan yang ada.
23. Perhubungan seksual yang sihat dan diredai.
24. Menghormati perbezaan dalam diri pasangan.
25. Sentiasa bermaafan sebelum tidur.
26. Sentiasa bersangka baik terhadap masa depan.
27. Meletakkan hak kepada pasangan.
28. Tidak menjadi hamba kepada pasangan.
29. Berubah secara kecil-kecilan untuk meningkatkan kebahagiaan.
30. Mengawal marah. Buat perjanjian.
31. Mencari penyelesaian dalam situasi ‘menang-menang’.
32. Muhasabah hubungan untuk mencari punca masalah.
33. Menghormati sifat semula jadi pasangan.
34. Memahami peranan ‘pasangan’.
35. Hubungan perasaan sesama pasangan.
36. Jangan simpan ketidakpuasan, sedih, marah atau benci dalam hati.
37. Bentuk kod kasih sayang dan anda berdua saja yang tahu.
38. Sengaja merancang untuk membaiki hubungan suami isteri.
39. Tujuh kali puji dan satu teguran.
40. Sebut ‘I love you’ sepanjang masa.
41. Banyakkan bergurau dan bermesra.
42. Sentiasa berterus terang.
43. Beri masa untuk perubahan berlaku - sabar.
44. Elakkan berdebat untuk mencari kebenaran.
45. Elakkan salah pasangan.
46. Cari titik pertemuan.
47. Selesaikan masalah hari ini pada hari ini juga.
48. Lebih banyak memberi daripada menerima.
49. Minta nasihat, pandangan atau maklum balas daripada pasangan.
50. Sentiasa bersemangat - bangun tidur, pergi kerja, balik kerja dan sebagainya.
51. Seimbangkan hubungan dari segi:
(a) Mental, pendidikan dan ilmu
(b) Emosi
(c) Fizikal dan ekonomi
(d) Sosial
(e) Spiritual
52. Jangan berjauhan terlalu lama (kecuali terpaksa).
53. Tidak terlalu mengongkong.
54. Tidak bertindak bersendirian.
55. Memberi peluang untuk berbeza:
(a) Pendapat atau pandangan
(b) Hobi
(c) Kegemaran
(d) Makanan
(e) Cita rasa
(f) Warna pilihan dan pelbagai
56. Humor atau lawak dari semasa ke semasa.
57. Minta bantuan untuk memecahkan kitaran negatif.
58. Berwawasan dan pandang ke depan (tidak terjebak dengan masalah semasa).
59. Tidak meminta yang bukan-bukan.
60. Bentuk undang-undang atau peraturan dalam rumah tangga.
61. Mencari kelainan dan perubahan positif.
62. Elakkan mendera pasangan dengan apa cara sekalipun.
63. Reda, syukur dan tawakal kepada Allah s.w.t.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Something about me...
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Woitt!! Nie anak laki laa
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? I like so much, but when in hurry dah jadi cakar ayam lak..hehe
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Yeah, coming soon
6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Sure, coz 'he' had a sense of humour
7. DO YOU USE SARCASM? When time comes...
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? Yes, I love to try although 'kaget' (bahasa Indon)
10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? No other things except Koko Krunch, what else!!
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? Cornetto (latest one)
15. RED OR PINK? Colour on what, shirt or car or something else...sorry, I choose white
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? My ex-school mate...mrs? miss her too
19. WHAT COLOR PANTS AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Now, pants is mat saleh mana lak nak pakai kasut dalam umah nie
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Miley Cyrus - 7 things
23. FAVORITE SMELLS? Masakan 'air tangan' wife esp on Masak Lomak Cili Api
24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Of course, my beloved wife
26. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? EPL, soccer.. what else
27. HAIR COLOR? Dark Black, but 5 % does become white
28. EYE COLOR? dark brown
30. FAVORITE FOOD? Thai Chicken Pie
31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Both, don't ask me why?
32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Dance of The Dead
34. SUMMER OR WINTER? I love winter
35. HUGS OR KISSES? Depence on who or who
37. MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Jom gi jalan
39. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? Last round was 'Mahathir'
40. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? Mine using 'optical'
42. FAVORITE SOUND(S)? Snot - Snot, give it a try
46. WHERE WERE U BORN? Hospital Besar, Pulau Pinang
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Petua untuk murah rezeki dan dijauhkan kesulitan
Sang Guru menjawab sederhana, "Perbaiki penampilanmu dan ubahlah riak mukamu. Kau tahu, Rasulullah SAW adalah penduduk dunia yang miskin namun wajahnya tak pernah keruh dan selalu ceria. Sebab menurut Rasulullah SAW, salah satu = tanda penghuni neraka ialah muka masam yang membuat orang curiga kepadanya." Lelaki itu tertunduk. Ia pun berjanji akan memperbaiki penampilannya.
Mulai hari itu, wajahnya sentiasa berseri. Setiap kesedihan diterima dengan sabar, tanpa mengeluh. Alhamdullilah sesudah itu ia tak pernah datang lagi untuk berkeluh kesah. Keserasian selalu dijaga. Sikapnya ramah,wajahnya sentiasa menguntum senyum bersahabat. Riak mukanya berseri.
Tak heran jika Imam Hasan Al Basri berpendapat, awal keberhasilan suatu pekerjaan adalah air muka yang ramah dan penuh senyum.Bahkan Rasulullah SAW menegaskan, senyum adalah sedekah paling murah tetapi paling besar pahalanya.
Demikian pula seorang suami atau seorang isteri. Alangkah celakanya rumah tangga jika suami isteri selalu berwajah tegang. Sebab tak ada persoalan yang diselesaikan dengan mudah melalui kekeruhan dan ketegangan. Dalam hati yang tenang, fikiran yang dingin dan wajah cerah, Insya Allah, apapun persoalannya nescaya dapat di atasi. Inilah yang dinamakan keluarga sakinah, yang didalamnya penuh dengan cinta dan kasih sayang.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
IQ? Nope...
1- Find the C below. Do not use any cursor help.
2- If y ou already found the C, now find the 6 below.
3- Now find the N below. It's a little more difficult..
This is NOT a joke.
If you were able to pass these 3 tests, you can cancel your annual visit to your neurologist.
Your brain is great and you're far from having Al zheimer Disease. Congratulations!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Question and Answer...bla...bla...bla...
Playing what!!
What is the last thing you ate?
Bread. My fav if 'hard' to decide what to eat
Who is the last person that visited your home?
My in-laws
How many of your top friends have seen you naked?
Isshh. Silly question.
Where is the last place you drove?
Office. Seriously, we're slavesss where else to go
What are you doing Saturday?
This Sat? Meeting with old friend..not too old actually..hehe
If you had 5 minutes to talk with any politician, who would it be?
Why would I waste time doin' that? If it'll make a diff, sure, but we know better, don't we?
What would you ask them?
Do you love your job?
Yes! *Cant you detect my enthusiasm?*
How many pets are roaming around your house?
Well, not mine, but there are a few cats that casually checking in n out my small garden.
When is the last time you told a family member that you loved them?
Today, guess who?
How often do you work out?
3 times a week. I know.. it does'nt look good, but I do work out.. sorta..
Who is the last person that made you angry?
My Boss. Syyhhh...
You're stranded alongside the road. Who do you call first?
My close brother. Can I call u, my dear?
Name the last 3 TV shows you watched.
1. CSI
2. CSI
3. CSI...You know I love this series so much
Why does your co-worker piss you off?
?? Why me ??
If you had to spend an 8 hour car ride with 1 person, who is it and why?
My beloved wife coz she will and will company me till the end of trip without SLEEP.
When is the last time you showered?
This morning. Seriously.. what kinda question is this?
Who is the last person to ride in the back seat of your car?
Hmm.. Let me try to remember.. my anak buah
What 3 items do you buy every time you go grocery shopping?
Everytime? Hardly. Mineral, Koko Krunch n Wafer
If you had to eat 1 food every day for a year, what would it be?
Yuck! Pass!
Who is the last person you texted?
Someone who was pissed off this morning. hi hi hi
Why didn't you answer the phone the last time it rang?
I always answered the phone. If I didnt answer, hands occupied-laaaa.
What is the last concert you went to?
Haaa? Concert? Are we suppose to go to Masjid?
When is the last time you saw number 5 on your top friend list?
Dont remember. All my friends are top in my list.
If you had to be a member of a TV sitcom family, which one would it be?
Kah kah kah. Wouldnt substitue my family for any other. But if I have to pick.. Nahhh didnt like any of them
Name 3 things from your childhood that you still have today.
1.Birth mark
3.Last one..of course LIFE
What is the last lie you told?
I dont remember. Really? Wow.. hi hi hi
Who is the last person to get drunk with you?
Drunk..? Nauzubillah
How many bones have you broken?
Who is the meanest person you know?
Hard to put my finger on one.
Who is the loudest?
Also, hard to say
Who is the funniest?
My cousin's kids esp Amar n Adam
Who is the hottest?
Shouldnt put a name here. Too many people will either get jealous, or big-headed. Ha ha ha
Is there anyone in your life that you tolerate, but wish they were gone?
Yes there is.
What do you want to be doing 1 year from now?
Still do not knows
You and your ex are trapped in an elevator. What happens?
I hope that just a dream...
What is the last fast food you ate?
Hhmmm. KFC maybe.
When is the last time you were in a hospital?
Last year, visiting my cousin deliver a baby boy..haha
What did you dream about last night?
Didnt have ample time to have a dream.
Have you ever stole anything? If so, what was it?
Stole? That is such a strong word. Hi hi hi. More like unacknowledged borrowing.
Do you think mullets are sexy?
What is the last thing that made you uncomfortable?
Performance review interview. ha ha ha
Ever yell at someone for not washing their hands after using the bathroom?
No. Just a look of disbelief.
If 2 of your top 8 friends said they had a crush on you, what would you do?
Sorry, taken. lets remain friends.
When is the last time you danced?
At last year convention...last and for all
Someone breaks into your house while you are in bed. What do you do?
Come up, grap a baseball stick and waiting him to come
How did you first learn your "limit" when drinking?
Come on..another question pleasee!!
Who is the one person you DON'T want to come to your wedding?
1st wedding - none, 2nd wedding -everybody
What is the last article of clothing you bought?
Adidas Sweater worn by Rich (Estranged)
How many different people have you kissed in the past month?
Month? Different? No,no,no..only those who r totally close to me
Who is the smartest person you know?
Person that I know.. My wife
Who is the dumbest?
Lets remain nameless.
Who is the craziest?
Lots of people i know who are equally crazy in their own way.
Who is the last person to fall asleep on the couch with you?
Cant remember. Usually the couch is not big enough for me to share.
Wild night of drinking with friends or quiet night at home with bf/gf?
12 hours at work or 12 hours cleaning the kitchen, bathroom, and garage?
Cleaning. Freak!! But I prefered the 2nd one
Who is the next person you want to see?
My unborn baby
Who was the last person to say "I love you" to you?
*wink wink* you know who
Friday, February 6, 2009
Relationship Secrets
ANNIVERSARIES Always celebrate! Whether it's the 1st or the 50th, each year together is a triumph.
BEST FRIENDS Be best friends preferably before being boyfriend-girlfriend. Take time to know each other so the relationship will be a deep one. Tell each other about your crushes, dreams and problems. Make sure he/she is your best friend before getting engaged. The strong bond of friendship will help you both survive tough times.
BOND Make it a point to spend time together often but leave room for each other. Also spend time alone w/ each other, so that at the end of the day you could both share your experiences. This way, you stay interesting with your partner.
COMPLIMENTS Always compliment each other. This will prevent feelings of resentment & thinking that one is being taken for granted.
DATE Keep doings things that you both enjoy, do them together. Make time & continue to date to keep the romance - look good, smell good to maintain physical attraction
DIFFERENCES Celebrate differences. Never force your ideologies down each other's throat. Give up trying to turn your partner into you. Accept differences, appreciate them.
FIGHTS Fight w/the aim to resolve the issue. Don't outdo each other. The longer you extend the fight. The more chances that you'll say something hurtful that you don't really mean. As mad as you were w/ your partner, he/she is still the person who laughs at your jokes & thinks you're hot. Hear each other out, don't dig up old issues. Choose your battles. Make sure the fight will be worth it & that something will change in the relationship as a result of the fight.
FLAWS Know that the perfect person does not exist. Know that just as there are things that you love about him/her, there will be things that will make you go crazy. We are only human with our own flaws.
FUN Have fun together! This means keeping the fun & spontaneity that was there in the early days. Allow yourselves to get silly. Being able to make each other laugh & see the lighter, crazier, absurd side is the best way to get through all the differences in personalities, adjustments in lifestyle & opposing viewpoints.
GOALS Make sure you have similar goals. It would be difficult to keep your bond intact if your views are complete opposite.
GRUDGES Quit tabulating grudges. Let it off. Discuss it, then trash it, don't recycle it.
KEEPING IT HOT Keep it hot by traveling to diff. places together. A new setting will do wonders. Always have skin contact - be it holding hands, a massage or just plain leg rubbing.
HONESTY Don't lie or hide things. The problem will only get bigger.
KNOW EACH OTHER Learn each other's interest. It really keeps the conversation flowing!
HUG A hug can be far better more intimate than a kiss.
IDENTITY Don't lose your personality - that's why he/she fell in love w/you. Have separate interest & activities to keep your individual, & to be able to contribute more to the relationship.
INDEPENDENCE Having your own income means you're the boss in your life.
IN-LAWS Make rooms for the in-laws.
INTENTIONS Wish each other well. Don't wish each other worst
ISSUES Speak up about the awkward stuff now, like money & sex. The earlier, the better.
LISTEN Listen, listen, listen. Hear each other out especially during arguments.
LOOK GOOD Mind your appearance! Stay fit & healthy for each other.
LOVE It all boils down to your love, chemistry & respect for each other.
MEMORIES Remind each other of the old days. Do something that you used to do for each other before. It may even be corny but it made you two together. Experience new things together- from dining into a new restaurant to experiencing street food together to exploring to new places. It's the little surprises that make great memories.
No matter how long you've been together, do not think that you can read each other's mind.
Be good to yourself, then be good to your partner. That's what love is all about. Think about your partner. Will it make him/her happy? Will she/he enjoy it? Consider each other's feelings. Be very attentive & sensitive to each other's needs, physically & emotionally, that way your partner learns to do the same for you. Never take your partner for granted.
If one says it's important, then it is! Prioritize each other among other things!
Give each other space. Have your boy's night out. If you can't trust each other with this, then don't get married.
Say sorry when you're wrong.
No matter how long you've known each other, be open to surprises, both good or bad.
Think for two & always work as a team. Consult each other before making a decision because everything will always affect both of you. Strengthen couple power. In many ways, we have to decide based on what is best for the relationship in favor of our individual selves.
Support each other's dream. Be willing to follow your passions, support your partner in his/her decisions & create new ones together. Two heads are better than one.
Tell each other's stories. Life goes by so fast & its easy to see how easily couple can grow apart. Whenever something funny, scary, exciting or juicy happened to you or to someone you know, tell each other about it & have your partner do the same. Keep each other in the loop of lifeWednesday, February 4, 2009
Warren Buffet's advice for 2009
We begin this New Year with dampened enthusiasm and dented optimism. Our happiness is diluted and our peace is threatened by the financial illness that has infected our families, organizations and nations. Everyone is desperate to find a remedy that will cure their financial illness and help them recover their financial health. They expect the financial experts to provide them with remedies, forgetting the fact that it is these experts who created this financial mess.
Every new year, I adopt a couple of old maxims as my beacons to guide my future. This self-prescribed therapy has ensured that with each passing year, I grow wiser and not older. This year, I invite you to tap into the financial wisdom of our elders along with me, and become
financially wiser.
Hard work: All hard work bring a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.
Laziness: A sleeping lobster is carried away by the water current.
Earnings: Never depend on a single source of income. At least make your Investments get you second earning
Spending: If you buy things you don't need, you'll soon sell things you need.
Savings: Don't save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving.
Borrowings: The borrower becomes the lender's slave.
Accounting: It's no use carrying an umbrella, if your shoes are leaking.
Auditing: Beware of little expenses; A small leak can sink a large ship.
Risk-taking: Never test the depth of the river with both feet. Have an alternate plan ready
Investment: Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
I'm certain that those who have already been practicing these principles remain financially healthy. I'm equally confident that those who resolve to start practicing these principles will quickly regain their financial health. Let us become wiser and lead a happy, healthy, prosperous and peaceful life.